About Homi Bhabha Fellowships Council

In India, as in other countries, there is a great and continuing need for men and women of exceptional qualities of mind and character to provide enlightened leadership. The Council seeks out and assists outstanding young persons at a stage in their career when the scope normally available for the full development of their talents may be restricted by their relatively junior position in their profession or in the organisation to which they belong. It is the object of the Council to provide such persons with the means, training and opportunities for the full development of their abilities at an age when they are at the height of their energy and mental powers, thus enabling them to provide the leadership required in various spheres of human activity to make creative and original contributions.

The object of the Homi Bhabha Fellowships Council is to give to young men and women of exceptional talent, an opportunity to develop their abilities at a relatively early age, through study, research, travel and practical training, so as to enable them to provide, in time, the kind of leadership the country requires in various fields. The Foundation has been named after Homi Bhabha not only to honour his memory but because his genius and vision served to inspire and encourage young people to strive for excellence and to aim at significant achievements in the service of India. The Homi Bhabha Fellowships Programme is thus intended to carry forward into various fields of endeavour the inspiration which Dr. Bhabha had so effectively provided in the great tasks and projects which he formulated and brought to fruition.

 The selection and programme of development are determined by the Council which is assisted by an Advisory Board and by committees of consultants and specialists.  The persons selected are between the ages of 30 and 45 years.

While the system of selection is flexible, applications and requests for the Council’s consideration normally require the recommendation and support of a recognised institution or of a person of eminence in the field concerned.  The Council directly, or through it committees, will carry out the process of screening, interviewing and testing of those who seek the high distinction of a Homi Bhabha Fellowship. 

Fellows are expected to come from the class of persons who, on completion of their institutional or academic training, have spent some time in the successful practice of their special activity.  As a rule, therefore, these Fellowships are not available as scholarships for further scholastic study, e.g. towards a Ph.D. or for training as such.  They are intended to be grants to competent young persons to carry out projects at an advanced level which would enable them to achieve further progress in their special fields of interest.  Fellows may work either by themselves or in an institution as may be appropriate and suitable.

The nature and tenure of the award vary in accordance with the requirements of each case. The amount of the Fellowship is ₹40,000/- per month. If the person is employed on a full time basis, the Fellowship will be ₹20,000/- per month. The period of the Fellowship will be between one and two years.

Homi Bhabha Fellows include scientist, engineers, agronomists, architects, educationists, historians, social scientists, writers, artists and administrators, and, in fact are drawn from all fields of human endeavour.

The Homi Bhabha Fellowships Council at present consists of the following members :

  1. Dr. M. S. Valiathan
  2. Dr. Anil Kakodkar
  3. Mr. Shyam Benegal
  4. Mr. T. J. Ravi Shankar
  5. Prof. S. C. Lakhotia
  6. Dr. P. Sainath
  7. Dr. Mayank Vahia (Honorary Executive Director)

All correspondence should be addressed to the Honorary Executive Director, Homi Bhabha Fellowships Council, C/o. National Centre for the Performing Arts, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021.

E-mail hbfc1966@gmail.com